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voter id law

Over 210,000 transgender citizens could have trouble voting in the 2024 election

Transgender Americans "may face barriers to voting in person" due to a "mismatch with their information as listed on voter registration rolls," according to a new report.

WATCH: 'Voting While Trans' Helps Navigate Voter ID laws

More than 25,000 transgender people could be denied the right to vote in November, thanks to a spate of voter ID laws across the country. The National Center for Transgender Equality has launched a public awareness campaign called Voting While Trans to combat the voter-suppression efforts.

STUDY: Voter ID Laws May Disenfranchise Trans Citizens This November

This November, thousands of trans people in ten Southern and Midwestern U.S. states will face strict photo ID laws that may bar them from voting.

78,300 Trans Citizens May Be Prevented From Voting in Midterms

Strict voter ID laws might restrict trans people from being part of the political process.

How to register to vote: Here's what you need to know to participate in the 2024 election

With ID laws potentially blocking some citizens from voting, here's how to make sure you vote in this year's crucial election.

Trans Voters Will Be Disenfranchised in 2020 Unless We Take Action

Democratic candidates need to make voting access a priority.

Anti-transgender laws may complicate access to the ballot for trans voters

Advocacy groups are mobilizing to safeguard access to the ballot as states implement laws that could deter trans people from voting in November.

Voter Suppression Effort Targets Transgender People

A group called True the Vote is training volunteers to target transgender voters as sources of fraud, says the National Center for Transgender Equality.

Bye: Pat McCrory, N.C.'s Anti-LGBT Governor, Concedes

Nearly a month after the election, McCrory admits defeat and says he will assist Democrat Roy Cooper's transition into office.


Not Just Russia: A Review of All the Damage Jeff Sessions Has Done

As attorney general, he's moved the nation backward on transgender rights, voting rights, and more.

Kyrsten Sinema Gets More Heat Over Her Support for Filibuster

More than 50 Arizona LGBTQ+ activists and allies call on the Human Rights Campaign to urge Sinema to back filibuster reform so that key legislation can move forward.

Watch Trump's Speech to Congress Live

Beset by unending controversies, the unpopular president will try to turn this ship around.

We Can Stop the GOP's Disenfranchisement of Black, Trans Voters

McConnell and his ilk will do anything to stop minorities from voting; it must be our mission to win back our inalienable right.

Anti-LGBT Governor Still Losing in Hotly Contested North Carolina Race

Pat McCrory is the governor who signed the infamous HB 2 law.

Michelle Obama to Miss. Grads: Fight Anti-LGBT Law

The first lady delivered an impassioned commencement speech at Jackson State University, blasting Mississippi's new anti-LGBT "religious freedom" law and telling grads to defend gay and trans rights.

How to Keep Trans Voters From Being Disenfranchised

As Transgender Awareness Month arrives, the League of Women Voters is ensuring all trans people get their say at the polls next week.

Federal Judge Blocks "Bathroom Bill" for UNC Students, Faculty

The injunction applies only to the transgender students and faculty who filed suit, but the university had already announced it would not enforce the transphobic bathroom provisions of House Bill 2.

The Most Important Thing You Can Do Right Now

Register to vote like your life depends on it. Oh, right, it does.

For Black Women, Being Called the Democrats' 'Backbone' Is No Compliment

Black women helped defeat Roy Moore, but they don't want to be anyone's backbone but their own, writes Rev. Irene Monroe.