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No LGB without the T — queer community protests Trump's transgender erasure at Stonewall

The Stonewall Inn held a rally Friday to protest the Trump administration's erasure of transgender people from the historic landmark's website.

No on 8 Website Attacked; FBI Investigates

Federal authorities are investigating a cyber attack after websites campaigning against Florida and California's proposed same-sex marriage bans were hacked into on Wednesday night, preventing supporters from donating. Equality California said it was unable to process donations for hours.

This White Nationalist Website Is Struggling to Stay Online

GoDaddy and even Google are refusing to support the white nationalist website The Daily Stormer.

Mormon Church Asks Gays to 'Stay With Us' in New Site

The site, aimed at helping Mormons deal with 'same-sex attraction,' encourages acceptance of LGBT people but makes clear that the church still considers it a sin to act on such attraction.

Take a long, hard look at the Real Nasty Pigs of New York

Take a long, hard look at the Real Nasty Pigs of New York

Take a sneak peek as these iconic New Yorkers get downright nasty to help Nasty Pig celebrate 30 years of queer sexual positivity.

Lesbian Website AfterEllen to Be Run by Straight Men?

Editor in chief Trish Bendix says she was denied severance after The Advocate republished her commentary.

Discover Ron Amato's uncensored men of Provincetown

See a preview of Amato Magazine, a new publication dedicated to showing sexy queer men in all of their glory.

Antigay Website Listed as Hate Group

The website of the antigay group Americans For Truth About Homosexuality was recently listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

LGBT Website Blocked Within Russia

Vladimir Putin's minions say it violated the nation's "gay propaganda" law.

Busted! French Antigay Website Created by NOM

A new website demanding the right to vote on marriage equality wasn't created by antigay agitators in France. It was created by the National Organization for Marriage.