Mike Johnson: U.S. 'Dark and Depraved' Because So Many Teens Are LGBTQ+
Johnson made the remark to a Christian right activist just three weeks before becoming speaker of the House.
November 17, 2023
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Johnson made the remark to a Christian right activist just three weeks before becoming speaker of the House.
The spiritual leader of the world's Anglicans said he feels ''great grief'' that more than 200 bishops are boycotting the Lambeth Conference, calling it a wound to the once-a-decade meeting of the Anglican fellowship. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams expressed respect for the decision of church leaders who stayed away, but he said their absence should not stop participants from trying to repair fractured relations, according to a paper released Thursday containing highlights of his private talk the previous day.
Raymond Burke says Catholics should attend in person despite COVID-19 to combat "the pervasive attack upon the integrity of human sexuality."
Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, has asked church members for patience after fellow Anglican leaders demanded the U.S. denomination step back from its support of gays or risk losing its full membership in the world Anglican fellowship.
The candidate appoints a so-called religious freedom advisory board featuring Rick Warren and other prominent conservatives.
Johnson had made a similar statement in an interview with a right-wing activist shortly before he became House speaker.
The head of the Anglican Communion said Sunday that the global fellowship faces ''one of the most severe challenges'' in its history, and he urged bishops at their once-a-decade Lambeth Conference to do the hard work of finding solutions. Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said the Anglican family's most immediate need is for ''transformed relationships'' so they don't break apart over homosexuality and the Bible. ''We all know that we stand in the middle of one of the most severe challenges to have faced the Anglican family in its history,'' he said in an address to the 650 bishops at the assembly.
The Pontiff's statement ahead of the church's summit on sexual abuse coincided with a letter from cardinals that blamed the abuse on homosexuality.
California's passage of the same-sex marriage ban Proposition 8 was a recurring theme running through Cracked Xmas 11, the annual holiday fund-raiser for the teen help line the Trevor Project. Newly out comedian Wanda Sykes got a standing O, Anne Hathaway auctioned herself off for a night of drinking, and Fantasia stomped her way through the audience in song.
The Democratic vice-presidential nominee had predicted the church will eventually embrace marriage equality; guess again, says his bishop.
Out choreographer Benji Schwimmer says The 1st Annual Trump Family Special is not fake news.
Episcopal leaders, pressured to roll back their support for gays to keep the world Anglican family from crumbling, affirmed Tuesday that they will ''exercise restraint'' in approving another gay bishop and will not authorize prayers to bless same-sex couples. The statement mostly reiterated earlier pledges by the church, and it will not be known for some time whether the bishops went far enough to help prevent an Anglican schism.
A leading Episcopal conservative announced plans for a partnership Friday that aims to create an alternative to the liberal-leaning Episcopal Church. Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh (pictured), whose diocese is considering breaking away from the national denomination, said the group will be called the Common Cause Partnership.
The church has brought 'immeasurable suffering' to LGBT Catholics and their loved ones, Krzysztof Charamsa says in a letter to Pope Francis.
The archbishop of Canterbury indicated Friday that the Episcopal Church isn't on the brink of losing its place in the world Anglican fellowship, despite the uproar over Episcopal support for gay clergy. Anglican leaders, called primates, had set a September 30 deadline for the Americans to pledge unequivocally not to consecrate another gay bishop or approve an official prayer service for gay couples. Episcopal bishops have dedicated their meeting here to crafting a response.
Pieters was a minister in the Metropolitan Community Church and a volunteer with many AIDS nonprofits.