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JD Vance now says Haitian immigrants are spreading HIV after bizarre pet-eating claim flops

Donald Trump’s campaign is just going with unfettered racism now along with stoking fear and discrimination against those living with HIV.

Brexit Xenophobia: Could It Happen To U.S.?

Some worry that Brexit is a sign of rising global anti-immigration sentiments, but thankfully the United States is a nation of immigrants, Samantha Bee points out.

Putin Denounces 'Xenophobia' Against LGBT Russians

The Russian president told local lawmakers that society should 'not create any xenophobia' against LGBT people, despite the law he passed that basically criminalizes any positive mention of LGBT identities.

Jorge Ramos Puts American Racism and Xenophobia on Full Blast

Veteran journalist Jorge Ramos travels across the country exploring how hatred and intolerance have become center stage in the U.S. 

Russia Accuses EU of 'Aggressive Propaganda' of Gay Love

The report, from Russia's Foreign Ministry, also calls out 'xenophobia, racism, violent nationalism, and neo-Nazism' in Europe.

Momentum for the Equality Act Is Clear

Voters in November rebelled against Trump's xenophobia. Time to take that momentum further, Chad Griffin and Mara Keisling write.

Joe Rogan Is Spotify's Tucker Carlson — The Untouchable Golden Goose

Brothers in racism, xenophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, misogyny, and supported by Donald Trump, neither will be ditched as long as they bring in the big dollars.

Fearless LGBT Leadership More Important Than Ever

Shootings and xenophobia are proliferating because the wrong people are running the country, writes the Victory Fund's Aisha Moodie-Mills.


'Abhorrent:' Man sets lesbian couples on fire, killing one and injuring several others

The attack at a boarding house that killed one and left seven others injured has been called "one of the most abhorrent hate crimes in recent years."

Thousands Gather for Belgian Pride

Some were inspired by the U.K.'s royal wedding the same day, while others addressed serious issues.

Scary New NRA Ad Reads Like a Call to Arms Against Resistance

The commercial promotes guns as a solution to what it depicts as a dystopian society based on radical, liberal ideas.

Meet the Trump Appointees Who Will Take America Straight to Hell

Samantha Bee takes us through the dark comedy that is currently our nation.

LGBTQ People Must Condemn Violence Against Asian-Americans

Asian-Pacific Islanders are facing bigotry related to the current health crisis, and we must stand up for them, Emmett Schelling writes.

Randy Rainbow Previews Trump's Dreaded State of the Union

Bipartisanship? Neh, it's all about his base.

'Anger Translator' Returns to Voice Obama's Trump Outrage

Key & Peele revives 'Luther' to show what frustrations may be bubbling behind the president's cool facade.

Twitter Seethes at Trump's Anti-Asian COVID-19 Racism

The president refuses to abandon his description of the disease as the "China virus."

Roseanne Is Canceled, and It's Not Surprising It Would End This Way

ABC canceled the smash series following Roseanne Barr's racist tweet, but it's not at all shocking the show would go up in flames. 

Women Comedians Ask, Can Men Be Funny?

"If God had wanted men to be funny, he probably wouldn't have created woman, so there's that," says Allison Janney, joined by Kate McKinnon and other funny women in a table-turning video.

Trump Blames Virginia Violence on 'Many Sides'

Trump refuses to denounce white nationalism and issues a statement of platitudes regarding the violence in Charlottesville, Va.

Ad for 'The Handmaid's Tale' Is Last You'd Expect at Super Bowl

While gorging on beer and wings, enjoy this ad for the miniseries based on Margaret Atwood's classic rebuke of male authoritarianism.