Hulu's Emmy-winning dystopian series The Handmaid's Tale, in which women are valued based merely on the viability of their reproductive organs, kicked off its second season last month. This weekend Saturday Night Live satirized the horrors of life under Donald Trump with a mash-up of living in Gilead (the fictional former Boston in which the series takes place) and the punny stylings of the Sex and the City women in a sketch titled Handmaids in the City.
Guest host Amy Schumer stepped in as Offred (Elisabeth Moss's lead character in the show) to toss in the puns and muse about her new life under the hegemony of the patriarchy.
"As I waited for the girls in downtown Gilead I was feeling like an uptown Galead," Schumer's Offred quips. "And I couldn't help but wonder, are women allowed to do anything anymore?"
Soon she's joined by Cecily Strong, Aidy Bryant, and Kate McKinnon, who make up the quartet of handmaids who brunch. And the funny-because-it's-sad and too-close-for-comfort high jinks ensue.
When McKinnon's Ofwarren (Madeline Brewer in the series) turns up having lost an eye, Offred asks if she's had work done.
"This is what I get for reading a newspaper," Ofwarren cackles. The handmaid whose eye was plucked out by the draconian Aunt Lydia (who oversees the handmaids) begins to talk about sex, as the Sex and the City women always did, but with not quite the same air of levity.
Ofwarren tells the group she had sex with a married couple the previous night, which in Gilead is a part of a monthly rape at the hands of each handmaid's commander as she lays her head on the lap of his barren wife.
But she's not the only one who had sex with a married couple the night before. Bryant's character tells the group she had sex with her oppressors as well.
"Who would've thought we'd be having three-ways in our 30s?" Bryant says with a desperate laugh.
SNL isn't renowned for searing politically themed women-centric sketches, but the writers nailed a Handmaid's Tale sketch last year as well, in which a group of handmaids runs into a bunch of well-intentioned bros oblivious to the plight of women.
Whether you're an Offred or an Ofwarren, you'll love Hulu's new spin-off show Handmaids in the City, the tagline for the fictional series reads.
Watch the sketch below.