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Laverne Cox Demands an End to Deadnaming

In making her plea, the actress shared a very personal story.

UpRoxx shares that advocate and Orange Is the New Black star Laverne Cox, who is the first trans actress to be nominated for an Emmy, took to social media to address the serious issue of trans people being misgendered in murder cases. She shared in a post, "Many years ago when I was contemplating suicide, I was planning to have a note in my pocket at the time of my death and several other notes in my home which would state my name, preferred gender pronouns, and that I should be referred to as a woman in my death," She added, "Being misgendered and deadnamed in my death felt like it would be the ultimate insult to the psychological and emotional injuries I was experiencing daily as a black trans woman in New York City, the injuries that made me want to take my own life."

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