Meet Bolivia’s First Transgender News Anchor, Leonie Dorado

The trailblazing journalist has vowed to use her platform to educate Bolivians about LGBTQ+ issues.
David Artavia
July 07 2020 2:15 PM EST
May 31 2023 5:53 PM EST
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The trailblazing journalist has vowed to use her platform to educate Bolivians about LGBTQ+ issues.
Twenty-six-year-old Leonie Dorado has been tapped as the new cohost of the Bolivian program Aby Ayala TV, becoming the first transgender news anchor in the country's history.
The milestone may lead to a turning point in the largely conservative South American country, which has seen a surge of new COVID cases in recent weeks.
Journalism was an avenue that found Dorado, who grew up thinking she'd pursue a career in music as a singer and piano player.
Though she is currently working toward a degree in modern music in Bolivia's National Conservatory of Music, according to Reuters, the young anchor is eager to use her new platform to raise awareness around trans issues. When she was offered the position at Any Ayala TV, she jumped at the chance.
With incredible support from her family and friends, Dorado plans to educate Bolivia on LGBTQ+ issues, using her own trans experience as a catalyst. Specifically, her platform will be focusing on the "health and labor" issues trans people face in the region.
"The LGBT community is a group of millions of people who demand human rights, labor rights, rights to have their lives respected," Dorado said. "That is what has moved me to be part of this project."
During last month's Pride celebrations, Dorado gave a special message to her followers on Facebook.
"It's exciting to live on a day like today, which since 1969 marked the beginning of the liberation movement calling for progress in government policies and decisions on human rights," she wrote. "The most relevant thing in my life is not the fact that I am trans, I consider it to be one of the least important things about me. Let's bet to strive to develop our capabilities to be brilliant in what we decide to dedicate ourselves, to bet on our dreams and go for them, to appreciate the best in others, to leave a world something better knowing that at least one life has been encouraged more freely thanks to ours."