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Chelsea Manning to Be Released After 7 Years of Confinement

Arrested for espionage in 2010, Chelsea Manning is finally being released after serving time in a male prison.

End of Trans Military Ban to Be Announced July 1

The move comes after years of work by LGBT activists.


V.A. Opens First Health Clinic for Trans Veterans

A new resource is available to transgender veterans in northeast Ohio: a first-of-its-kind clinic inside a Veterans Affairs hospital.

This Veterans Day, Honor Trans Military: Lift the Ban

Former Air Force officer Barbara Satin has a wish for November 11.…
Transgender Military Ban

Trans Latino Man Named 2020's Social Worker of the Year

In a history making move, NASW awards trans advocate and Coast Guard veteran Zander Keig with the prestigious honor. 

British Army's Highest-ranking Transgender Soldier Honored

Capt. Hannah Winterbourne is being considered for a Millie, an award bestowed each year by U.K. paper The Sun.

Out Army Secretary Eric Fanning's Message for Pride

"We've grown stronger as a military, and as a nation," says Fanning, "as we've worked to be more inclusive, and open up opportuntities to those who previously didn't have them."

Mike Huckabee's 'Social Experiment' Fallacy

It was the albatross that haunted DADT's repeal: that allowing gay and lesbians to serve openly would be a 'social experiment.' Now Mike Huckabee is using that same false premise against transgender service members.

BREAKING: Pentagon Extends Protections to LGB Troops

Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced the adoption of a policy revision that adds sexual orientation to its Military Equal Opportunity Policy.


Op-ed: Being a Trans Ally Can Start With a Simple Question

The promised study of allowing transgender people to serve openly in the military seemed stalled for a while, but one gay man asked a simple question to help move things along.

Naval Academy Will Bar Trans Students Starting in 2020

As Donald Trump's trans military ban goes into effect, the nation's service academies are putting up bars too.

Here's How You Can Fight Back Against the Trans Military Ban

As the Christian right attempts to legislate trans people out of existence, TransMilitary's Fiona Dawson offers up ways we can all fight back.

Meet Israel's First Out Trans Defense Officer

His name means "dove" in Hebrew, but make no mistake: Lieutenant Shacher of the Israeli Defense Force is a warrior. 

Hello, Moppa! Transparent at the White House

In addition to honoring nine LGBT artists for their contributions, the White House hosted two panel discussions and screened transgender-themed entertainment. 

Many LGBT Troops Don't Get Veterans Benefits

Veterans in Chicago are calling on the government to keep its promise to those who served, regardless of sexual orientation or discharge status.

Op-ed: The Dangers Inherent In Lifting the Trans Military Ban

Trouble awaits trans women who serve our nation as their authentic selves, says one who had to hide her true gender identity.