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As a gay veteran and advocate, I know we can't afford another Donald Trump presidency

Military Navy contingent LGBTQIA Pride Parade San Diego California
Janson George/Shutterstock

On the anniversary of the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, a Marine Corps veteran speaks on why LGBTQIA+ military families—and the nation—can't afford another Donald Trump presidency.

As a Marine veteran and a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I know the challenges of serving my country. And navigating a society that hasn't always accepted me for who I am. In 2007, when I decided not to hide the fact I am gay, my military service came to an end under the former "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. That experience showed me the devastating impact of discriminatory policies.

And it's why I know a second Donald Trump presidency would be disastrous for our community.

As the spouse of an active duty Marine during Trump's chaotic presidency, I witnessed how his administration shamelessly targeted our military community and fostered a culture of intolerance. With a tweet, Trump attacked transgender service members by banning them from serving. This wasn't just a policy decision—it was a direct assault on those proudly serving in our Armed Forces.

It was also a painful reminder for the LGBTQIA+ military community that their contributions could be dismissed at a moment's notice.

For those who have dedicated their lives to serving this country, it was a betrayal of the highest order. This betrayal isn't surprising, though, coming from a man who openly disparages Gold Star families and thinks our nation's fallen heroes are "suckers" and "losers," according to his former Chief of Staff and retired Marine Corps General John Kelly.

A second Trump presidency would no doubt be more horrific than the first.

Trump's rhetoric and track record not only demonstrate his disdain for our community but embolden those who believe that LGBTQIA+ people don't belong in the military or society at all. The people surrounding him are actively working to undermine and roll back our rights. The threat of more discriminatory policies under a second Trump administration is dangerously real, and the impact on LGBTQIA+ service members, their families, and the entire military could be devastating.

In stark contrast, Kamala Harris has consistently shown unwavering support for the military and our community. From cracking down on targeted scams to delivering historic care & benefits to veterans and their families, Harris believes our nation has a sacred obligation to our service members, veterans, and their families. She has also been a vocal advocate for LGBTQIA+ equality throughout her career, working to protect and uplift our community.

Tim Walz, a veteran, understands the sacrifices made by those in uniform. He has used his platform to champion policies supporting all service members, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. In 1999, when Coach Walz stepped up to serve as a faculty advisor for his Minnesota high school's Gay-Straight Alliance—when LGBTQ acceptance was far from widespread—he sent a powerful message of support and inclusion.

Harris and Walz represent leadership that values diversity, inclusion, and the dignity of everyone who serves this country.

We need leaders who advocate for all service members and their families, not just some. We need leaders who understand that diversity strengthens our military and that every qualified individual willing to serve should be able to do so without fear of discrimination. Under Trump, we've seen what happens when those values are ignored, and we cannot afford to go back to that.

Stephen Peters is a Marine Corps veteran, military family advocate, and communications strategist based in Washington, DC. He previously led the American Military Partner Association and later served as a spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

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Stephen Peters