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Williams Institute

Discover the role of the Williams Institute, a leading research facility in the United States that releases facts and figures related to the LGBT community. Founded in 2001 by businessman Chuck Williams, the Williams Institute is a branch of the UCLA Law School that delves into public policy that relates to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gay and lesbian issues. Find out more about Williams and other institutions that further the cause of LGBT rights within the United States and beyond.

LGBTQ+ People Receive More Scrutiny, Negativity From Police: Study

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people are more likely to be stopped by police than the general population.

Even Under Trump, Washington D.C Is the Gayest Place in America

A new analysis finds America's capital has more adults identifying as LGBTQ than anywhere else in the U.S. North Dakota is in last place. 

Marriage Equality an Economic Boon

Same-sex weddings are pouring billions into the economy, says the Williams Institute, a UCLA think tank.

STUDY: Religious Counseling Has Higher Risk of LGB Suicide

That doesn't necessarily mean it causes suicide, but the association is troubling, says a new study.

Fifth State Requires Insurers to Cover Gender Transition

The state's insurance department issued a directive informing health insurance companies operating within the state that they are now required to cover benefits.

Marriage Equality Good for New Mexico Kids, Experts Say

The New Mexico Pediatric Society, the New Mexico Psychological Association, and the New Mexico chapter of the National Association of Social Workers all came forward for marriage equality as the state awaits a court decision.

Anti-DEI laws are forcing universities to grapple with a mass exodus of LGBTQ+ professors: study

New Williams Institute study finds an alarming number of professors in higher education considering leaving their states or the profession because of Republican laws.

Study: LGB Republicans Have More Internalized Homophobia Than Dems

More LGB Republicans than Democrats see their orientation as a shortcoming and wish they were straight, the Williams Institute finds.

Men Accused of Gay Sex Could Be First Caned in Indonesia

Neighbors burst in on the naked men and now they could face a public lashing like this one.

The Importance of Being Counted (Thanks, John Cena)

A new public service announcement reminds us that numbers matter.

Study: Teens Do Even Better With Lesbian Parents Than Straight Ones

The researchers found just slight differences between teens raised by stable lesbian couples and those raised by long-term straight couples, but the few points of difference favored the lesbian-led families.

Gay Dads Get Their Own Social Media aims to make life less lonely for gay male parents.

Op-ed: Don't Turn in Your Gay Card Just Because You're a Dad

Andy Miller, founder of the Handsome Father, expresses his disappointment with his fellow gays since he and his partner adopted their son.

80% of Transgender Americans Have Considered Suicide: Study

The data from UCLA Law School’s Williams Institute study showed that more than 80 percent of trans adults have considered suicide.

Trans Parole Seekers in California Face Misgendering, Other Barriers

That's despite state law intended to assure respect for trans and nonbinary people in the criminal justice system, says a new Williams Institute study.

'Queer' Moniker Finds Favor Among the Young and Nonbinary

Young people may perceive "queer" as a more fluid identity than gay or lesbian, say researchers at the Williams Institute.

STUDY: LGBT Youth Are Disproportionately in Jail

The study also found these young people face more violence.

STUDY: Same-Sex Parents Invest More Time In Their Children…

STUDY: Number of Married Same-Sex Couples Up by 50 Percent

By the end of 2013, there were an estimated 130,000 married same-sex couples in the U.S., a 50 percent increase from three years earlier, says a new Williams Institute study.

ENDA: 5 Lessons in How The Movement Works

Passage in the Senate was unprecedented, and it signaled much about what still matters in our politics.