Google has released an empowering new video about women, and it includes a same-sex couple.
The digital giant released a YouTube video on International Women's Day "to celebrate the next generation of Doodle-worthy women -- the engineers, educators, leaders, movers and shakers of tomorrow."
Showcased on its home page,, the clip includes voices of women from around the world. In fact, over 300 women and girls from 13 cities, speaking in different languages, were asked to complete the sentence "One day I will..."
These promises of change, which included statements from Jane Goodall, Malala Yousafzai, and Muzoon Almellehan, were "ranging from the global to the very personal, from discovering more digits of pi to becoming a mother to giving a voice to those who can't speak," according to the YouTube description.
One of these women states, "One day, I will ask her to marry me," before holding hands with her partner.
This is not the first time Google has used its search engine to advocate for LGBT rights. In 2014 the company changed its Google Doodle, the image on its search engine home page, to a rainbow show of support for LGBT Olympians. At the time, the Olympic Games were being held in Sochi, Russia, where an antigay law had just been passed.
Watch the inspiring video below, and feel free to comment with #OneDayIWill promises.