A long-serving leader of the Boy Scouts of America's council in Clarksville, Tenn., tendered his resignation Wednesday in protest of Boy Scouts of America's ban on openly gay adults serving within the organization, reports the Leaf Chronicle.
Bill Moser has been involved in scouting for more than 50 years, according to the Chronicle, but resigned as Camping Committee chairman of the Middle Tennessee Council, saying he cannot support an organization that forces openly gay boys out when they turn 18.
"It's my belief is that when a boy joins at six years old, he doesn't have a clue as to what sex is," Moser told the Chronicle. "So then he turns 14, and he's going through one of the toughest times of his life, and then some adult comes in and says, oh, you're gay, you can't be a scout anymore? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me."
In April, national leaders of the Boy Scouts of America announced the organization will consider allowing gay youth to join the organization but will continue its long-standing ban on gay or lesbian adults serving as volunteers, scoutmasters, or troops. The leadership's resolution, which would replace a carte-blanche exclusion on "open or avowed homosexuals" within scouting, will be voted on by the BSA's national council this month.
"I believe the policy advocated by the Middle Tennessee Council which would require Scouts who discover they are gay to either resign or violate the first Scout Law ["A Scout Is: Trustworthy"] is wrong," Moser told the Chronicle.
Hear Moser discuss his interpretation of living by the scouting code below.